Who Broke You?

 Is brokenness created by a friend, girlfriend/boyfriend, spouse or family member? Is it possible for a person to be broken. If something is broken I wonder if it can be fixed or maybe you don't fix it, maybe the solution is to replace it or adjust it to create new value. If a person can be broken, how does that happen. Do we initially allow someone to break us, is it our fault if someone breaks us. Should we focus on the above questions or should we focus on the solution to fixing the brokenness. I believe if we spend too much time focusing on the who, what and why, we end up with wasted time. Time that we could have spent growing from the pain of brokenness. The truth is, it doesn't matter "Who broke you", what matters is what you do next. Pain creates an opportunity to grow.

I found myself in a place of brokenness a few years ago. During this time I was in the darkest place of my life. While I was in this dark place I spent time thinking of all the hurt and pain that was done to me by love ones. I evaluated the past and focused on the wrong that was done and tried to figure out why loved ones would create such pain for someone they loved or claim to love. Here is what I found out; focusing on why, did not heal the pain that I was feeling or ever felt. It also did not change the fact that the damage was done. The biggest thing that I learned was in most cases the person who wronged me was hurting themselves. That person was either dealing with some type of insecurity or just did not understand because of the examples provided to them. Above all of the things that I learned, I learned that none of that really mattered and what really mattered was me and what I would do next with the lesson that was learned. Was I going to allow the person who broke me to control what I did with the pain.

I decided to release the hurt and pain but most of all forgive and release who broke me. As God took his time with me to heal me and help me truly release and forgive, I started to learn so much about me and the plans that God has concerning myself. I started to realize the unconditional love that God had for me and it is a love that could never be explained. The love and value that God has for me has always been there but because I put my focus on man I was blinded. I realized how powerful love is and the true meaning of love.

Get out of your own way and release it all to him. Let's not focus on "who broke you" and focus on who can fix you. Do you know who can fix you? The answer is you! You have the power to fix you, you have the power to turn your brokenness into power. We have no idea the power we gain when we take control of who we are and know who we are. It starts with you making a decision to let go and let God; release the pain and heal, allow God to do the rest. Make the decision of not allowing your brokenness to control who you are. Take back control and focus on creating a new you. Create the purpose and destiny driven version of you. You can win the daily battles that are in your mind, the voices telling you that you are not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, not small enough, not worthy enough or not cool enough. Kill those voices and create new voices. Allow God to pull you out of your brokenness. I am a living witness of what God can do if you allow him to do it. I send blessings and prayers your way as you take your journey of healing. 

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